Wo nous sommes

Agadez town


? is an e-commerce platform for the promotion and sale of Nigerian handicrafts. Therefore, we are exposing worldwide the handmade products selected for their quality among thousands available in the region. We guarantee our customers original high-quality products, entirely designed by experienced craftsmen who are for the most part the guarantors of a unique know-how dating back several decades.


? is the most important city in northern Niger. It is to a large extent a part of the Aïr Mountains within the Sahara Desert. Despite this, northern Niger presents a great range of diversity and contrast both in terms of population and culture, landscape and resources, as well as fauna and the flora. North Niger is also known for the large number of sites of cultural interest belonging to a distant past: (Paleolithic and Neolithic lithic sites and rock inscriptions sites); as well as a more recent past: (pre-Islamic funerary monuments, ancient mosques, ruins of medieval cities, etc.) and it?s also one of the largest uranium mining regions on Earth. The historic city of Agadez was founded in the eleventh century. For centuries, Agadez was an important marketplace for the caravans crossing the Sahara Desert. Since the sixteenth century, the Sultanate of Air has settled in Agadez. Agadez was added to the Liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO in 2013. Some major annual events are The ?Cure Salée?: mid ? September, Touareg, Fulani and other pastoralists gather in In-Gall, on the rich prairies of the Aïr. Several festivals as the ?Aïr Festival? in Iférouane or the Bianou Festival in Agadez are taking place each year. “Read more about Agadez”
africa map - niger - agadez
Artisan working

Nos produits

Nous pratiquons l'artisanat vert. En effet, les techniques de fabrication de nos produits sont encadrées et à aucun moment le processus industriel n'intervient dans la chaîne de production.

Ainsi, à l'aide d'outils de base, nos artisans confectionnent des bijoux (or, argent, fer, cuivre, etc.), des vêtements (coton ou tissu imprimé traditionnel). De plus, des chaussures (en cuir), des couverts ainsi qu'un grand nombre d'accessoires tant pour la mode que pour la décoration.

Relation client

Nous offrons des produits de haute qualité. Nous sommes confiants dans les prestations fournies et nous mettons en place un service relation client efficace entièrement dédié à nos clients. Outre, politique de retour ou de remboursement is flexible and totally transparent. AGAD?ART is not only an intermediary between craftsmen and customers. At the same time, it takes full responsibility for all the products you buy on the platform.

Customer service image

Cette plateforme a été créée grâce au soutien de l'Agence italienne de coopération au développement et de l'Organisation internationale pour les migrations au Niger.


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